remember that time owen came back from antarctica and he was trying to talk about his charity work and wounded veterans and that creepy interviewer kept cutting him off to talk about his body?

one year anniversary. never forget.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you from the mods of FYOW xx

New from the Sony hack: Owen Wexford celebrates 22 Jump Street having the second highest-grossing opening weekend for an R-rated comedy of all time.

Anonymous asked:
WHEN IS PINEAPPLE 2 COMING OUT!? i need it in my life.

We do too, anon! No word on it happening yet, but Al told Variety that there's definitely interest, and he and Seth would really like to, but they have a lot they need to work out to make it happen. Fingers crossed! - Raquel


Al and Conan discuss their ginger beards, 5.17.14

Anonymous asked:
THE BEST THING EVER HAPPENED AT WORK TODAY. I work at a drive thru Starbucks in LA and people act like jerks in it all the time. And it gets so busy around Christmas that by the end of your shift you just want to never deal with people again.

You jumped straight to conclusions. Also, the paps have dug up every one of Al's relationships, he can't catch a break. I highly doubt that he'd be able to keep a tabloid bombshell like a serious, gay relationship quiet. But if Al was gay with anyone ... it'd be Dewhurst. We all know it. - J They're prob hanging out because the Cassirer family DEFINITELY has the good weed. And no way, he'd be gay with CLocke - R

Anonymous asked:
OMG i know this sounds crazy but i swear it's true. i work the front desk at a resort in telluride, and al was there for some kind of shamanistic healing retreat (?) it was led by karen marten-silverstien, who's anil cassirer's mom. i guess he's friends with anil? this one morning he and anil cassirer's mom got up at dawn and just hugged people and bowed at them for like three hours and then he came in with a digideroo. anyway apparently he was super super nice and chill and people took pics with him and stuff but i couldn't even talk to him, I WAS SO NERVOUS AHHHHH. well, okay, actually that's not true, i picked up when he ordered a steak and strawberry milkshake at like 4 am. he asked for donuts, but we didn't have any because we're a hotel. he told my friend that he was here because he was looking to buy a house, and also some stuff about how he was a highly spiritually charged shaman in a past life so who knows how baked he was/how big a grain of salt i should take anything he said with, but apparently he was spotted looking at some places up here. so basically, if you're in telluride and you're an al fan you're in for a big treat! and also some shamanism, whatever the f that is.

Sounds legit to us! We know how much Al loves "wellness retreats." We're crazy jealous that you met him. Take pics next time! And get the man some Timbits. xo, Jamie